After a Long Month of Reviewing Cheesy Low-Budget Movies in May, I’m Going to Switch Gears in June and Pay It Forward! Taking on the personal challenge of reviewing movies, offering commentary, and finally writing an entire film script for my month long tribute to Full Moon Features was a fun, rewarding, and exhausting exercise (which you can read all about by clicking HERE). It was hard to find the time to squeeze the time in to watch all of those movies (I did 18 total film reviews), and write,…
Category: Random Stuffs
Trancers 7: The Pitch! Open Letter To @RealCharlesBand @fullmoonhorror
All Month Long I Have Been Secretly Typing Up A Script For Trancers VII And This Is The Pitch! Hello to Charles Band and to all of the fine creative individuals at Full Moon Features. My name is Packy Smith, and I have been working on a pitch for Trancers VII for quite some time now, over a year now to be exact. First and foremost, I would like to thank Mr. Band and his team for bringing movie fans around the world such thrilling and engaging classic franchises such as…
Confessions of a VHS Rental Junkie @fullmoonhorror @RealCharlesBand
Hello, my name is Packy and I am a recovering VHS rental junkie, and also Head Llama on this blog. This is my story: If you were born after 1997, there’s a good chance that you probably haven’t ever watched a movie on VHS. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, it just means that you weren’t around for the home video revolution. You see, VHS tapes were the fast widely accepted form of video playback ever. You could buy just about anything on VHS, from your favorite big screen movies to…
Thoughts on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 4 @jedwhedon @MoTancharoen @Marvel
Thoughts on the direction that Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 4 could take – #itsallconnected 2.0 *** SPOILER FREE: This posting will be spoiler free – so feel free to read safely with the knowledge that if you haven’t seen the series or the season 3 finale, I won’t ruin any of it for you. *** I have one, and only one, must-watch live network TV show, and that is Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D which is currently broadcast Tuesday evenings on ABC. It is no secret that I am a fan…
Charlie Brown – The Modern Day @Nintendo Story #NX #Lunkhead
You Lunkhead, Nintendo! Nintendo, we gave you an opportunity to kick the football, and for once we weren’t going to yank the football away from you… and yet you still missed the kick and landed flat on your back. How is that even possible? How do you miss what should have been an easy field goal? Nobody was asking Nintendo for an E3 style touchdown replete with an end zone dance, just some sign that there was a solid plan for the 2016 fiscal year. We did not get the…
My Only Explanation for Super Tuesday – Person vs. People #Election2016
Image submitted without comment as it speaks for itself: Congrats America. I hope you enjoy making America “great” again.
Better Things #CheerUp @TheKinks
I’ve been in a grumpy mood today. Now, to be fair, there were a number of mitigating factors that contributed to my current state of mind, but regardless, my state of mind is my own and I am in charge of maintaining its well being. To sit here all pissed off does myself no good, does my family no good, and frankly isn’t going to accomplish anything positive. But then what could be done about it to cheer me up? And that’s when it hit me… Here’s a little message…
People Suck, Wait, Social Media Sucks, No Wait People on Social Media Suck #WholeLotOfSuckingGoingOn
Friends are the worst. Wait, that’s not fair. Friends are amazing, valuable people. Social Media, and by extension how people choose to use it, is the worst. There, that about sums it up. Good post. See you tomorrow with a new Best Album You’ve Never Heard Of! No? Elaborate? OK. Since you (I assume) asked, here’s my point: Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) have given everyone a voice, and that’s a beautiful thing in some ways. For the LGBTQ community, it has allowed them to find and connect with…
My Relationship Status with Anime: Friends With Benefits #anime
Anime: A word that frightens some, amazes many, and confuses the rest. It is the short term for Japanese Animation, essentially cartoons. Unlike most western cartoons which are primarily aimed at children (with some notable exceptions), Anime can be focused on all audiences from children to adults, with most of the titles falling somewhere between the late-teenager to adult audience. What separates Anime from most other animation around the world is the quality of the animation, the complexity of the narrative and the inherent cultural differences between Japan and the rest…
Case of the Mondays #ChinUp
Those of us still in the work grind can relate to this one true and simple fact: we dread Mondays. Especially after a less than optimal weekend, the prospect of going back to work can seem like insult to injury. However, instead of wallowing in my “Case of the Mondays” I have chosen to express myself in humorous memes stolen from other people on the Internet. Enjoy! And because it gave me a sensible chuckle: No matter what you have going on in your life, whether Monday is the…