Games You Should Be Playing: Organ Trail #payitforward @HatsProductions #OrganTrail

Games You Should Be Playing: Organ Trail! Where Dysentery and Zombie Bites Go Hand in Hand… The bulk of the E3 big game announcements has come and gone. I’ve made my thoughts about the weekend, Monday, and Tuesday of the big event known on this very blog this week. I’m also giving props to smaller indie games that I am smitten with in an effort to signal boost their games, and to let you all know that there are some truly amazing low budget games being made by some dedicated…

Plan For June: Weekly Themes! Tons of Fun! #payitforward

After a Long Month of Reviewing Cheesy Low-Budget Movies in May, I’m Going to Switch Gears in June and Pay It Forward! Taking on the personal challenge of reviewing movies, offering commentary, and finally writing an entire film script for my month long tribute to Full Moon Features was a fun, rewarding, and exhausting exercise (which you can read all about by clicking HERE). It was hard to find the time to squeeze the time in to watch all of those movies (I did 18 total film reviews), and write,…