The Ultimate Answer To Life, The Universe, And Everything: 42

The Ultimate Answer To Life, The Universe, And Everything: 42 Howdy! How have things been? I know. I’ve been out of pocket for a while now. I don’t think I ever willingly intended to allow this little blog of mine to go this long without any new posts, but isn’t that life all over? Sometimes we start projects with the best of intentions and then circumstances arise that change everything. I promise, this blog did exactly what it was designed to do for me. I know it may not seem…

Plan For June: Weekly Themes! Tons of Fun! #payitforward

After a Long Month of Reviewing Cheesy Low-Budget Movies in May, I’m Going to Switch Gears in June and Pay It Forward! Taking on the personal challenge of reviewing movies, offering commentary, and finally writing an entire film script for my month long tribute to Full Moon Features was a fun, rewarding, and exhausting exercise (which you can read all about by clicking HERE). It was hard to find the time to squeeze the time in to watch all of those movies (I did 18 total film reviews), and write,…