Consumer Entitlement With Entertainment Products: Or Why Everyone Needs To Stop Worrying So Much About Imaginary Stuffs And Find Better Things To Do With Their Time

A quick little post about toxic fandom, entitlement, and how the entertainment industry owes you nothing. No big deal…

The Ultimate Answer To Life, The Universe, And Everything: 42

The Ultimate Answer To Life, The Universe, And Everything: 42 Howdy! How have things been? I know. I’ve been out of pocket for a while now. I don’t think I ever willingly intended to allow this little blog of mine to go this long without any new posts, but isn’t that life all over? Sometimes we start projects with the best of intentions and then circumstances arise that change everything. I promise, this blog did exactly what it was designed to do for me. I know it may not seem…

Renewed Vigor – Resolutions and Results #NerfedLlamas

Renewed Vigor – Resolutions and Results! Oh hai everyone! How is everyone doing? Did you have a good holiday break? Catch up on some much needed rest? Spend time with the family? Make some resolutions? Yeah, me too. 2017 was a year of ups and downs for me. So much so that I stopped posting on the blog for the last few months because I needed to focus on a variety of things, including a home remodeling side job I was working at nights from October – November, NaNoWriMo in…

Job Hunting Circa 2017 Is Absolutely Soul Sucking

Job Hunting Circa 2017 Is Absolutely Soul Sucking I have been in active pursuit of better employment for running on 5 years now, and to date (August 14th, 2017) I am still batting .000%. A great big swing and a miss seemingly happening in perpetuity. It’s not from lack of trying! I routinely fill out 20+ online applications a month, but I rarely ever hear back from the companies that I am applying to. One might chock that up to the state of my resume, but I don’t think that…

I’m the worst… but I’m trying to get better! #realtalk #amwriting

I’m the worst… but I’m trying to get better! Real Talk about how I am failing as a writer. I really am the worst. Not at everything, mind you (nobody is completely rubbish, we all have our positives). I’m a great husband and father. I’m an excellent cook and can make a mean pulled pork, as well as many other fine dishes. I do exceptionally well under pressure, whether it be work related or personal in nature. I’m awesome at video games (a useless talent, though it may be), and I know…

For A Good Time, Call… A Movie Pitch for Full Moon Features @RealCharlesBand

For A Good Time, Call… A Movie Pitch for Full Moon Features As promised for my 2nd annual Full Moon Features celebration, a new month of Full Moon reviews & articles, and a brand new movie pitch as well! Hello to Charles Band and to all of the fine creative individuals at Full Moon Features, as well as my amazing readers (that’s you!). My name is Packy Smith, and I have been working on a new movie pitch for Full Moon Features this month. First and foremost, I would like to thank…

The Lost Art of Winning an Argument

The Lost Art of Winning an Argument This is going to be a short post, but an important one. I have noticed a disturbing trend, especially in how it relates to how humans interact online and in person these days, where arguments are formed on the basis of pejorative name calling and ill advised blanket statements that come from group think and not a place of informed study. Perhaps because I had four years of competitive debate under my belt at a young age I learned the art of winning an…

2016 Year in Review by Nerfed Llamas #BestOfList #Obligatory

As was done in 2015, so shall an obligatory list of the stuff that I loved exist for the year of our Lord twenty sixteen. Normally I might pad out this opening paragraph with clever little lines about how this was a year like any other that was mostly OK. Grass was still green, the sky was still blue, and water was still wet… ya’ know, stupid pap like that, but let’s be honest: 2016 sucked. It sucked hard and for a variety of different reasons for a lot of…

Actor Casting in Beloved Franchises: The Thousand Pound Gorilla in the Room

Actor Casting in Beloved Franchises: The Thousand Pound Gorilla in the Room The announcing of casting for a beloved character in popular franchises, especially in those based on comic book properties, is a highly anticipated event. It’s damn near a spectator sport. Although, unlike going to something like a baseball game, watching the reactions to these casting announcements is more akin to watching the Christians being thrown to the lions. You never really know what kind of reaction you are going to get, and yet somehow the reactions seem to always…

On the Topic of Voting: Every Vote Counts, Yes Even Those Votes… #VoterRegistration

On the Topic of Voting: Every Vote Counts, Yes Even Those Votes… Before you get bent all out of shape thinking that I am about to go on some partisan political tirade telling you why a candidate sucks and why you should vote Candidate X. Stop! Get a hold of yourself. Take a deep breath and relax. This is not one of those kinds of posts. This will be a brief little blurb about the importance of being registered to vote and why your vote matters (even if you don’t…