Best TV Series That You’ve Never Heard Of: The Middleman @OKBJGM

Best TV Series That You’ve Never Heard Of: The Middleman – Clean living was his credo and justice was his bride… Of all of the things I foresaw myself doing in the Summer of 2008, none of them included watching ABC Family at all. It was a network that had never hit my radar, probably because most of the shows were aimed at a far younger audience than I was with premises that did not correlate with my viewing preferences. That all changed when a YouTube promo for a new…

Actor Casting in Beloved Franchises: The Thousand Pound Gorilla in the Room

Actor Casting in Beloved Franchises: The Thousand Pound Gorilla in the Room The announcing of casting for a beloved character in popular franchises, especially in those based on comic book properties, is a highly anticipated event. It’s damn near a spectator sport. Although, unlike going to something like a baseball game, watching the reactions to these casting announcements is more akin to watching the Christians being thrown to the lions. You never really know what kind of reaction you are going to get, and yet somehow the reactions seem to always…

Best Movies You’ve Never Heard Of: Free Enterprise 

I am a nerd. A nerd of the kind of variety that would make most people say, “dafuq?” I’m that dork that can tell you that Captain America and the Falcon fight Spider-Man in issue 138 before becoming bros and teaming up to defeat Stone-Face. I watch shows like the Middleman and laugh at all of the jokes because I get every single one of the references. So when I heard that there was a movie that would challenge my nerdiness, I knew I had to check it out! Free…

Meet the Llamas – Packy

Hi there! My name is Packy Smith, and I have recently become a blogger. I have always been a great big nerd, but now I am a nerd that blogs. I had thought of starting a blog for quite some time, but I’ve never felt the urge to join the online rat race… until recently. What kind of change occurred that made me want to operate outside my regularly established patterns and comfort zones? In order to understand the change, you need to understand the llama. Who am I? That…