Quit Your Day Job – Original Fiction

Quit Your Day Job – A Short Story By: Packy Smith Jim sat at his desk, despondent, listless, staring at a liquid crystal display that felt more or less the same as he did. They were both stuck in the same place doing a job they didn’t want to do. Jim was uncertain as to what he would like to do, he had so many ideas, but lacked the impetus to see them through. The LCD Monitor did not have this same problem, it wanted to maintain a garden and…

Best Worst Movies Of All Time – Trancers

TRANCERS – The Official Nerfed Llamas Review – SWELL! I’m the king, president, emperor, and prime minister of loving cheesy b-grade movies. If there was a college degree in enjoying the dregs of cinematic schlock films, I would have a PhD and would have graduated Maxima Cum Laude. In my brief time on this planet I have absorbed more video content than any one human being should ever consume, and as such I have decided to bequeath to you the gift of a list of the Best Worst Movies ever…

Doom and Gloom and Wrong, Just Wrong – Nerd Trailer Analysis

There’s a concept that is being bandied about in the Film Industry that is not only tone deaf to reality, but also damaging to the intellectual properties that they apply them to. I’m of course talking about the need for Directors and Studios to take light hearted comic book properties and needlessly turn them dark and gritty. 2 movie trailers were released over the weekend for prominent comic book franchises, Batman vs. Superman and the Fantastic Four (a reboot of the reboot of the Roger Corman film, yup, I went…

One Whole Week

I know, I have been posting pictures of my goofy breakfast melon for just over 2 weeks, but today marks the end of the first whole week of posting new content according to the plan. It’s been a very productive week. Here’s a few milestones: I finally put a description of myself, and what I’d like to accomplish I posted my first ever entertainment review for the new TV series on Netflix: Daredevil. After nearly a 20 year hiatus, I revived an ancient character that I created in my teenage…

Sticky Notes 1 – Vodka & Politics

Here it is, better late than never, my first web comic. As an office rat for the better part of the last 8 years, I use a lot of Post-It Notes, also known as sticky notes. So it made sense that I would attempt an office comedy. But how to make it fun and unique? Make all the panels with real sticky notes with pen drawn characters. No computer enhancing or professional production value, just pure office ingenuity. Genius! At least I hope so. Without further ado, I present to…

Bob Files His Taxes – Original Fiction

The morning was sultry, or at least that was how Bob felt every time he woke up to see that the height of the teepee in his whitey-tighties was larger than normal. He believed this because he couldn’t be bothered to understand the science behind the phenomenon of nocturnal penile tumescence, or as the dudebros, soccer moms and essentially everyone else called it: morning wood. Bob gleefully giggled in a giddily gregarious and gloriously goofy way for precisely 38 minutes, at which point he woke up, went to the bathroom,…

Nerfed Llamas TV Review – Daredevil season 1 on Netflix

Fewer things delight me more than when something pleasantly amazes me with a spot on portrayal of a beloved franchise. Such is the case with Daredevil, a new TV series created by Marvel Studios for Netflix. Here is my spoiler free review. The first Daredevil comic was published in 1964 by Marvel Comics. Created by Stan Lee and Bill Everett, Matthew Murdock, also known as Daredevil, is unique from the majority of superhero comics protagonists on the basis that he has a disability: blindness. Due to an accident as a…

Meet the Llamas – Packy

Hi there! My name is Packy Smith, and I have recently become a blogger. I have always been a great big nerd, but now I am a nerd that blogs. I had thought of starting a blog for quite some time, but I’ve never felt the urge to join the online rat race… until recently. What kind of change occurred that made me want to operate outside my regularly established patterns and comfort zones? In order to understand the change, you need to understand the llama. Who am I? That…

The Plan

So far I have given you 8 lovely photos of my wild “fresh-from-waking-up” bed head. Whereas that is lovely, and perhaps there are already a million blogs dedicated to bed head pics, I want to assure you that I have grander designs in mind. Ultimately, I’m working on having a theme Monday thru Friday. The preliminary outline looks like this: Monday Musings – a springboard for me to talk about anything, be it news, entertainment, social commentary, etc. The goal is to share my thoughts on a variety of ideas,…