Best Movies You’ve Never Heard Of: Netherbeast Incorporated #eyeofthejackal There are some smaller movies that try so hard to feel comfortable in their own skin (Southland Tales, Garden State, and Juno to name a few), and bless their little hearts for trying, because they are in fact entertaining movies even though they will never find acceptance from a mass audience. They are good movies, and in some cases great movies, but because of the nature of their quirkiness or storytelling manner, they are found and loved but a minute pocket…
Author: Packy - Head Llama
Best Albums You’ve Never Heard Of: The Futurist by Robert Downey Jr. #TheFuturist
Robert Downey Jr. is primarily internationally famous for his acting in such films as Chaplin, Air America, Chances Are, Iron Man, Sherlock Holmes and more. What you may not know about RDJ, is that he is also a gifted singer and song writer. He has performed on a handful of soundtracks including Ally Mcbeal, and the Singing Detective, to name a few. To date, he has only released one full album, The Futurist way back in 2004. On the surface, The Futurist is a traditional pop album with jazz, blues…
Robert Downey Jr. Week? #robertdowneyjrweek
After taking a few days off from my regular posting scheduling, I’m back in the saddle again. Still working towards my creative goals, and at the same time trying to continually jump the hurdles of life and stay in the race. In many regards that is the meaning of life, trying to stay in the race, to be relevant, to make your mark and in doing so positively affect other people’s lives. It’s in times like these that I think of other people that have overcome so much personal drama,…
Best Movies That You’ve Never Heard of: Thunderheart #alwaysgettape
Best Movies That You’ve Never Heard of: Thunderheart – Always Get Tape! By and large, I spend my time watching highly re-watchable movies and TV genre shows: i.e. comedies, action, sci-fi, and horror. That is my wheelhouse, and it is where my comfort zone is. If I’m in the mood for a little background noise while I’m working around the house – or better still drawing for my upcoming web comic Nerfed Llamas! I toss a staple in the Blu Ray player: The X-Files, Fringe, Hot Tub Time Machine, Trancers,…
Growing Up: Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes! #changes
Growing Up: Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes! I find that as I mature, marching inevitably towards middle-agedom (I turn 40 in few scant months… sigh), that I have changed in many ways. Some ways have been for the better, others… perhaps, not so much. Regardless, all of these changes are the natural evolution of wisdom guided by experience. We all grow up at some point, and the definition of what “growing up” actually means is unique to our own personal journey. I have been humbled in many regards by the life I have led,…
A Special Message From The Sticky Notes Gang: #LoveWins
A Special Message From The Sticky Notes Gang: #LoveWins I’m not sure why this was ever even up for debate. All people should be equal to experience the joys, successes, pains, and disappointments of life without regard to race, gender, religion or partner preference. It is a good day to be a human being. Congrats to all affected positively by the legalization of gay marriage in all 50 states. To anybody that today’s news might piss off: get bent! Also, I couldn’t miss this opportunity to show the Sticky Notes…
Sticky Notes 10 – R.O.U.S.
A simple game of secret hide and seek. There’s no way it could get perverted from it’s innocent intent, is there? Find out in an all new Sticky Notes!
The Cataloguers of Time: Polonus Vorstius’ Fiery End – Original Fiction
You may find it extremely beneficial to read this story first the Cataloguers of Time: Fort Phantom Hill There was a special air of excitement at the Smithsonian’s Historical Discovery Unit tonight. For months, their crack team of EOT (Eyes of Time) pilots had been narrowing down the chain of events that led to demise of the 15th century knight, Polonus Vorstius. Sir Vorstius had the extremely dubious distinction of being the first recorded case of Spontaneous Human Combustion in human history. Expectedly, the crew at the HDU were tremendously…
Best Movies That You’ve Never Heard of: #Hysteria
Hysteria – Official Nerfed Llamas Review Sometimes a movie comes out of nowhere and surprises you with its brilliance. It is rare, but it does happen. Hysteria is just such a film. Fun fact: I wasn’t even looking for a new movie to watch when I happened onto a trailer for a movie titled: Hysteria. I more or less was goofing off on YouTube and the trailer popped up as a recommendation based on my viewing history. Here is the trailer that I am referring to: If you watched the…
Burning the Candle at Both Ends
Lately, I’ve been tired. Dead tired. Too tired to think. Too tired to hear the first 3 or 4 times that my alarm goes off in the morning. So tired that I find myself struggling to find the energy to do all the things I have to do, much less the things I’d like to do. I know what my problem is, but I’m just not sure how to fix it. I burn my candle at both ends, constantly. My average hours of sleep each night is 4, which was…