Vampire Resurrection: The Nerfed Llamas Review @fullmoonhorror @RealCharlesBand

Vampire Resurrection: The Nerfed Llamas Review – Have you seen my boom mic recently? Selecting a new movie to review can be a finicky process. Sometimes it is as simple as “Ooh, that looks interesting, I should watch that!” A lot of the times though, it’s more like “There’s way too many movies to pick from. It’s gonna take forever to find the right one.” Multiple factors go into deciding which Full Moon movie that I watch, not the least of which being the mood I’m in. Sometimes I’m wide…

Best Movies You’ve Never Heard Of: Netherbeast Incorporated #eyeofthejackal

Best Movies You’ve Never Heard Of: Netherbeast Incorporated #eyeofthejackal There are some smaller movies that try so hard to feel comfortable in their own skin (Southland Tales, Garden State, and Juno to name a few), and bless their little hearts for trying, because they are in fact entertaining movies even though they will never find acceptance from a mass audience. They are good movies, and in some cases great movies, but because of the nature of their quirkiness or storytelling manner, they are found and loved but a minute pocket…