Coming Soon: Hillary Clinton in Concussion #Helmet #Concussion

I know… I said I was going to go somewhere in the middle this week, but then I came across the poster for the Will Smith film Concussion, and then I thought… you know who would be excellent in that movie? Hillary Clinton. She already has the football helmet, might as well have the movie too! So without further adieu, Nerfed Llamas presents their soon to be smash blockbuster multiple Oscar winning drama: Concussion starring ol’ Secretary Breaks Her Head. Coming Soon: NB4 someone comments about the crappy cg/paint job,…

Twenty Tunes Terrific for Tuesday – Vol. 7 #120Minutes #TTTT #Bonus

  I watched a lot of TV in the late 80s and early 90s, but perhaps none more religiously than the MTV late night video series: 120 Minutes. Created by Dave Kendall, 120 Minutes was a 2 hour show that was designed to showcase alternative music at a time when many of the artists featured were struggling to find an audience. Whereas mainline MTV was showing mostly top 40 pop hit music videos (yes there exists a time in history when MTV actually showed music videos the majority of the day),…

Coming Soon: Jurassic Fart #FeeltheBern

I went a little right last week, so I’ve decided to course correct by veering left this week. Perhaps I’ll go straight down the middle next week to maintain an even keel. I went after the low hanging fruit this time, and by fruit… I of course mean everyone’s favorite perpetual epic bed head champion and socialist: Bernie Sanders! Bernie is not content to just be running for President of the United States of America – he’s making a movie too! Catch a first peek at the official poster for…

100 Word Challenge: Lose a Vowel #ewe 

So, I have been challenged with writing a brief note that is missing a vowel of my choosing. It was hard to choose, however I landed on the vowel ewe. I am speaking phonetically, to be clear, as I do not mean to talk at length with regard to an “of age” female sheep. I’m likely capable and mentally able to keep on prattling on, dealing with this whole sheep shenanigan, yet I believe that this time will be better served speaking on other matters directly related to the lack…

Best Movies You’ve Never Heard Of: Grindhouse #itsgogonotcrycry

2007’s theatrical release Grindhouse was the co-opted brain child of filmmakers Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino. The concept was simple, make a double feature that hearkened back to the days of the old 1970s “grindhouse” films (although these type of films have been around since the 1930s), which were usually low budget exploitation films about bizarre subjects, monsters, violence, sadism, sex, and fast cars. Characteristically, these films had poor production value, abysmal film quality and were usually shown in theaters as a double or triple bill. In tribute to the…

Coming Soon: TrumpBusters! #Trump #Webcomics 

Sometimes, Trump happens, someone has to deal with it, and who you gonna call?  COMING SOON:  I was goofing off on MS Paint (at my work station options are limited), and came up with this silly little movie poster mock up. A fun satire of the iconic Ghostbusters symbol, it is the start of a new phase of Webcomic on Nerfed Llamas – Coming Soon: a comic series dedicated to using classic movie posters to poke fun at current events and to evoke a slice of social commentary. I hope…

20 Miles to Texas #OriginalFiction #Script #Snippet

*** Brief introduction from the author – I have been, in some capacity working on this screenplay for quite a while. “20 Miles to Texas” is a horror script concept that deals directly with irrational fear and how each individual reacts differently to the idea of fear, which ultimately allows it to manifest in a way that is tailored specifically to the person experiencing it. The idea was to write a script that jettisoned the 90’s tradition of a slasher story that involved a cast of around 6 obnoxious teens where…

Goals for 2016 #realistic & #pipedreams

Yesterday, I wrote at length about a few of my favorite things about 2015, but nostalgia is so yesterday, so we’ll be moving steadily into the present today. It is 2016, and as such I have concocted a bunch of goals and dreams that I would like to achieve within the next 12 months. Some of these will be reasonable, and others are high apple pie in the sky goals, but if we don’t push ourselves to the limits, how will we ever discover what our true limits are? So…

2015 Year in Review by Nerfed Llamas #BestOfList #Obligatory

2015 Year in Review #BestOfList #Obligatory 2015 has come and gone, and like all of the other years that came before it, 2015 went by in a flash. Along the way to a full zodiac, a whole bunch of stuff happened. Movies were released, albums were recorded, unique and intriguing events transpired, and every year some goofballs all over the world decide to attempt to encapsulate the whole year in a handful of sentences by putting a list of all the best stuff that they think happened during that year. I am…

Postwritum is a Serious Condition and is Very Real #Postwritum #NaNoWriMo

Postwritum The birth of a novel can trigger a jumble of powerful emotions, from excitement and joy to fear and anxiety. But it can also result in something you might not expect — depression. Many NaNoWriMo writers experience the “postwritum novel blues” after completing their first 50,000 words in just 30 days, which commonly include mood swings, crying spells, anxiety and difficulty sleeping. Novel blues typically begin within the first two to three days after winning NaNoWriMo, and may last for up to two weeks. But some NaNoWriMo writers experience a more severe, long-lasting form of…