Packy Smith – Submissions for the BioWare #ExplorersWanted Contest #MassEffectAndromeda #space

Packy Smith – Submissions for the BioWare Explorers Wanted Contest – Mass Effect Andromeda Howdy to all Bioware employers and fellow blog readers alike! Today I am blogging for an exceptionally important reason, and I couldn’t be more excited to share with you what I am hoping to accomplish. However, I am not frog and you are not a bunny, so before we jump too far ahead of ourselves, let’s slow our roll just a touch to give me a brief opportunity to explain myself. Recently, video game developer BioWare,…

And Now For Something Completely Different… The Olympics! #rio2016

And Now For Something Completely Different… The Olympics! #rio2016 Some folks love Baseball, some prefer Basketball, and a healthy amount eagerly await the Football season like a pack of wild ravenous hyenas looking for freshly grilled meat to eat on their tailgating excursions. Me? I don’t watch any professional sports anymore. I was a huge supporter of baseball in my youth, and I even occasionally enjoyed some basketball, but much like the Star Wars films, as I get older I find that there is no valid reason to keep supporting…

So We Now Know What the Nintendo NX is… Sort Of… Maybe… @Nintendo #NX

So We Now Know What the Nintendo NX is… Sort Of… Maybe… I have spoken a lot about Nintendo over the past few months. First, I wrote an open letter to the Big N about where I thought the NX should be heading, which you can read: here. I also wrote a commentary piece about how Nintendo is being perhaps too secretive about their plan for Fiscal Year 2016 and how they are metting out information about their new gaming device codenamed the NX, which you can read: here. Finally,…

Tougher Than It Is…

Some People Like To Make Life A Little Tougher Than It Is… Over the past few weeks I’ve hit a crossroads of sorts, especially in reference to this blog. I themed out a few months worth of content in May and June, and for the most part I stuck to my guns and really hammered out a lot of great posts about cheesy b-movies, independent musicians & filmmakers, video games, movies & recording artists you should check out, and a bunch of other stuff. Since then, I’ve kind of been at…

Open Letter to @SEGA – Here’s the Plan #Phoenix #VideoGames

Open Letter to SEGA – Here’s the Plan! From the Ashes of the Past 15 Years: A New SEGA Can Be Born! Full Disclosure: I love SEGA. As in from my first SEGA Genesis in 1990 all the way through to my Dreamcast console that saw its run end in the early 2000s, I hardly played any other gaming platforms. I never owned a SNES or an original Playstation while they were popular, I bought them used many years after the fact. SEGA was my home, and at the time they…

Movies You Should Be Watching: Comic Book the Movie @HamillHimself

Movies You Should Be Watching: Comic Book the Movie – I Am Impervious To Pain! When I watch a film, it is primarily for the entertainment value, pure and simple. A lot of film connoissuers are all about the drama, subtext, and emotional weight of the movies that they love, and that is specifically what they look for in the motion pictures that they tend to watch. Those “heavy” type of flicks just aren’t for me. There’s enough drama in everyday life, well acted out by the people all around us…

Games You Should Be Playing: Organ Trail #payitforward @HatsProductions #OrganTrail

Games You Should Be Playing: Organ Trail! Where Dysentery and Zombie Bites Go Hand in Hand… The bulk of the E3 big game announcements has come and gone. I’ve made my thoughts about the weekend, Monday, and Tuesday of the big event known on this very blog this week. I’m also giving props to smaller indie games that I am smitten with in an effort to signal boost their games, and to let you all know that there are some truly amazing low budget games being made by some dedicated…

E3 2016 Tuesday Impressions #gamer #E32016

E3 2016 Tuesday Impressions: This Gamer Can Haz Opinions? I struggled with whether or not to write this post today. Frankly, I was supremely disappointed with Nintendo’s showing yesterday. They showed off their latest Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild all day yesterday… and that’s about it. Don’t get me wrong, a new Zelda game is always a welcome addition, but we already knew it existed and we already know that it’s been delayed to 2017. Nintendo’s offerings for the rest of this year are slim at best. Whereas…

Games You Should Be Playing: My Night Job #payitforward @philipmangione #PS4

Games you Should Be Playing: My Night Job – A Throwback, Throwback Horror Comedy Game That Gets It Right! This month I have been paying it forward to a lot of creators that I feel deserve a little extra love. Musicians, Filmmakers, and now Game Developers. This week I’ll be giving my thoughts on some of the bigger announcements at E3 2016 (you can read my first two posts on E3 2016 here, and here), however; I’ll also be spreading the word about some fun indie games that are off the…

Essential Listening: Christopher Anton #payitforward @Chris_Anton

Essential Listening: Synthpop Christian, Christopher Anton! Reach Out And Touch Faith! For the entire month of June I am “paying it forward” to a handful of creatives that I believe truly deserve some recognition. I’ve covered a lot of different acts, primarily rock artists, and one awesome country band. Now it’s time to get your feet moving with some hard hitting dance beats! Bringing this week of musically themed celebrations to a close, I felt that it would feel good to end on an upbeat and inspirational note. Christopher Anton…