Shut Eye Season One: The Official Nerfed Llamas Review @shuteyeonhulu

Shut Eye Season One: The Official Nerfed Llamas Review New series on streaming services seam to pop up weekly these days. In fact, it seems impossible to keep up with all of the amazing content that is being put out on Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime, and all of the other streaming services. I have gotten to a point where I scan trailers nearly as often as I sit down to watch TV shows and movies. A lot of the trailers for TV series don’t initially catch my eye. As I…

The Appeal of Archie Comics: An Answer 77 Years in the Making

The Appeal of Archie Comics: An Answer 77 Years in the Making I was recently asked the following question in all earnestness by a contemporary: what is the appeal of Archie Comics? At the time, I hastily typed up a response that was informative and concise. I felt that I did a decent job answering the question, but at the same time I couldn’t help but think that a handful of sentences was really selling the legacy of Archie Comics short. So, what actually is the appeal of Archie Comics?…

Modern Superhero Comics and Me – A Love/Hate Story

Modern Superhero Comics and Me – A Love/Hate Story After a long and successful NaNoWriMo push this month (50,000 words written towards an original novel in one month, I did it – WOOHOO!), I felt that it would be nice to take a break from typing on a novel and instead kick back, relax, and read some comic books. Not just any kind of comic books, I wanted to read some new iconic superhero romps, preferably featuring my favorite characters, like Spider-Man or Captain America. By a strange stroke of…

Actor Casting in Beloved Franchises: The Thousand Pound Gorilla in the Room

Actor Casting in Beloved Franchises: The Thousand Pound Gorilla in the Room The announcing of casting for a beloved character in popular franchises, especially in those based on comic book properties, is a highly anticipated event. It’s damn near a spectator sport. Although, unlike going to something like a baseball game, watching the reactions to these casting announcements is more akin to watching the Christians being thrown to the lions. You never really know what kind of reaction you are going to get, and yet somehow the reactions seem to always…

#NintendoSwitch – What We Know and Why Everyone Should Just Chill Out Till 2017

Nintendo Switch – What We Know and Why Everyone Should Just Chill Out Till 2017. Seriously, Relax Everybody. After waiting for over a year for Nintendo to drop some official information about the new console code named the NX, gamers finally got a glimpse from the Big N on their new hybrid device, the Nintendo Switch. Capable of playing AAA quality games on an HD TV or on the go through it’s tablet like design, the Switch looks, at least on the surface, like it could be a terrific gaming…

Let’s Celebrate #GlobalJamesBondDay By Ranking All The Bond Songs! @007

Let’s Celebrate Global James Bond Day By Ranking All The Bond Songs! October 5th has been Global James Bond Day since 2012. In that time, it has been customary for the production team behind the 007 films to release the theme song for the next Bond flick, starting with Adele’s Skyfall. Being as the latest Bond film has not started filming yet and as such there will be no new theme song unveiled this year, I thought it might be a good bit of fun to rank the Bond songs in…

Westworld On Film & HBO’s New Series: Why You Should Be Watching #Westworld

Westworld On Film & HBO’s New Series: Why You Should Be Watching #Westworld Yesterday marked the debut of HBO’s re-imagined Westworld television series, and to celebrate the launch I sat through the classic film Westworld and then watched the series premiere on HBO Now directly thereafter. Hindsight being 20/20, I feel that this was probably the best way I could have experienced the premiere. There is a foundation that is superbly laid down by the feature film, which gives a clear vision of what the company Delos Destinations is, how…

Packy Smith – Submissions for the BioWare #ExplorersWanted Contest #MassEffectAndromeda #space

Packy Smith – Submissions for the BioWare Explorers Wanted Contest – Mass Effect Andromeda Howdy to all Bioware employers and fellow blog readers alike! Today I am blogging for an exceptionally important reason, and I couldn’t be more excited to share with you what I am hoping to accomplish. However, I am not frog and you are not a bunny, so before we jump too far ahead of ourselves, let’s slow our roll just a touch to give me a brief opportunity to explain myself. Recently, video game developer BioWare,…

And Now For Something Completely Different… The Olympics! #rio2016

And Now For Something Completely Different… The Olympics! #rio2016 Some folks love Baseball, some prefer Basketball, and a healthy amount eagerly await the Football season like a pack of wild ravenous hyenas looking for freshly grilled meat to eat on their tailgating excursions. Me? I don’t watch any professional sports anymore. I was a huge supporter of baseball in my youth, and I even occasionally enjoyed some basketball, but much like the Star Wars films, as I get older I find that there is no valid reason to keep supporting…

So We Now Know What the Nintendo NX is… Sort Of… Maybe… @Nintendo #NX

So We Now Know What the Nintendo NX is… Sort Of… Maybe… I have spoken a lot about Nintendo over the past few months. First, I wrote an open letter to the Big N about where I thought the NX should be heading, which you can read: here. I also wrote a commentary piece about how Nintendo is being perhaps too secretive about their plan for Fiscal Year 2016 and how they are metting out information about their new gaming device codenamed the NX, which you can read: here. Finally,…