NaNoWriMo 2015 is here! #NaNoWriMo #buddyup #50000

  It’s that time of the year again. National Novel Writing Month is starting in November and I will be participating in the NaNoWriMo challenge. During this event you are challenged to write 50,000 words towards an original novel project. It takes discipline and a lot of creativity to get it done. I have completed this challenge once before, and I’m looking to do it again this year. 

I would like to invite you to join me on this challenge. You see, you can have writing buddies during the event, and I want you to be my buddy! Buddies work on their own unique novel but share word counts within their circle of friends (kinda like keeping score) and can also send messages of encouragement if they see a friend that is starting to fall behind. The best news? If you do this challenge with me, you’ll have your very own 50,000 word novel in rough draft form. What do you say? You think you have the next great best selling novel idea stuck in your brain? I think I do too, and I’m gonna write it in November. If you wanna join me in completing this challenge go to the official NaNoWriMo website, register a new account (it’s free!) and come find me to add as your buddy (my profile name is: packysmith) if you find the profile with the cartoon biwwie goat avatar, then you found the right guy! As an added incentive, if you join me and complete the 50,000 word challenge, you unlock a whole bevy of cool prizes: discounts on creative software, opportunities to publish your novel and much more. It’s a cool event and a great way to test your writing mettle.

I hope you will join me, it will be a ton of fun. 

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