Soldier On: Or Why To Keep Pushing Forward Even When You Don’t Want To #YouCanDoIt #motivation

Soldier On: The act of moving forward in spite of not wanting to, because it is the right thing to do, because shit needs to get done, and because… reasons. For the record, I am the patron saint for soldiering on. If you were to ask just about anybody who knows me in person, they would tell you that being able to soldier on is my Mutant ability. I would prefer the ability to heal from anything, manipulate time, teleport, and shoot freaking laser beams from my freaking eyes (all abilities wrapped…

Nerfed Llamas Movie Review – Hot Tub Time Machine 2

I feel that I should preface this review with a dirty secret: Hot Tub Time Machine (heretofore to be abbreviated as HTTM) is my favorite guilty pleasure film of all time. HTTM is not a great movie, I’m not even sure that it’s a good movie, but it is a retardedly fun time travel romp. Part of the charm is the nostalgia (John Cusack making another 80s flick), part of it is how far they take the comedy bits (which is needless to say, they take them to the most…