Retardo Bruce Willis Mad Libs – Original Short Screenplay

At certain points in time, when my brain won’t wrap around the next portion of what I actually want to write (i.e. my novel that keeps throwing me creative curve-balls), I take a break from trying to squeeze words from the turnip and I turn my attention onto something short and potentially fun to write. It is healthy to give yourself writing challenges frequently, as it promotes fresh thought and it gives you a great reason to keep writing. If you get lucky, sometimes you can even write something that…

Bob Returns a Video Tape to Blockbuster – Original Fiction

Bob Returns a Video Tape to Blockbuster – Original Fiction “It was as humid as hell,” Bob thought gently to himself as he lay horizontally in his recliner, bathed in only his own sweat. The ceiling fan was rocking from side to side in a violent rhythm that made it seem as if it had just snorted a line of coke (not the delicious beverage), but the cool wind generated by these gyrations weren’t enough. Not only was it hot, but the air was filled with the outstanding aroma of…

Sticky Notes 3 – #dylanforspiderman

Welp, I tried to get this one out before midnight, but failed miserably. Better late than never!  My friends, we find ourselves at a very exciting time, of course I’m talking about the casting of the new Spider-Man. There’s a lot of names being thrown out there as potential Peter Parkers, and frankly… most of them suck. One name rises above the rest: Dylan O’Brien, the main actor from the Maze Runner. He’s fun, charming, nerdy, and seems to be able to act. Even better still, he looks like Peter.…

Quit Your Day Job – Original Fiction

Quit Your Day Job – A Short Story By: Packy Smith Jim sat at his desk, despondent, listless, staring at a liquid crystal display that felt more or less the same as he did. They were both stuck in the same place doing a job they didn’t want to do. Jim was uncertain as to what he would like to do, he had so many ideas, but lacked the impetus to see them through. The LCD Monitor did not have this same problem, it wanted to maintain a garden and…

Sticky Notes 1 – Vodka & Politics

Here it is, better late than never, my first web comic. As an office rat for the better part of the last 8 years, I use a lot of Post-It Notes, also known as sticky notes. So it made sense that I would attempt an office comedy. But how to make it fun and unique? Make all the panels with real sticky notes with pen drawn characters. No computer enhancing or professional production value, just pure office ingenuity. Genius! At least I hope so. Without further ado, I present to…