Putting My Nose Back to the Ol’ Newish Grindstone…

After a week of fun and sun and sea and family, it’s time to get back to work. Now that I’m fully rested and creatively rejuvenated, I have a fairly large week planned, with an interwebz ton of content coming over the next few days. Here’s a brief preview of what is coming:

  1. A review of the Avengers – Age of Ultron.
  2. A review of Hot Tub Time Machine 2 – Unrated.
  3. A new original fiction short story.
  4. An original song lyrics – note, every time you sing it you owe me a dollar…
  5. A brand new Sticky Notes web comic.
  6. A preview of some preliminary art work as I reveal the Road to Nerfed Llamas leading up to the launch of a new web comic in a few weeks.
  7. An outline of some personal goals I want to achieve (not the same as the blog goals, more professional goals/products I’d like to produce and make available for my own personal gain – i.e. stuff you can buy)

I may also sneak a few surprises along the way as well. It’ll be fun, creative, and most of all, it’ll give you a good reason to disconnect from life, work, stress, or whatever you need to get away from for a few minutes. 

Also, there will be plenty of Epic Bed Head as well. If you have wicked bad bed head in the AM, send me a picture and I’ll feature you in my blog as well. Your freaky morning melon could become famous! Send your pics to: Packy – Head Llama

Keep checking in regularly this week, as there will be plenty to absorb. Oh yeah! I’m also on Facebook and Twitter, like and follow appropriately: and please feel free to comment, share and retweet Nerfed Llamas to all of your friends, they’ll love it!

You guys rock! I love you all.


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