Inspirations & Dreams

We all have dreams, hopes and desires. Some of us even have the resolve and the sheer force of will to make them happen singlehandedly. Others utilize keen communication skills and networking to build an alliance of confidants and business partners to get us where we need to go. Some of us are late bloomers, having far too many dreams to chase down and absolutely no feasible plan to accomplish any of them, until BOOM, a plan arrives and magically all of the goals get prioritized and attainable. An unfortunate…

Site Redesign – 05/14/2015

Hey gang, I played with the design of my initial site (which admittedly sucked) a whole lot, and have landed on a new layout. Hopefully this one is more appealing to the eye, makes all the articles pop better, and has some menu and widget upgrades. I’m still working on the mobile version, so bear with me. What do you think, better? Worse? Give me some feedback.

Professional Goals

On top of attempting this whole “blog” thing, I do have goals and aspirations that transcend the confines of a dot com website. Some of these are pipe dreams, some of these are attainable enough with the proper planning, motivation and luck. Without further ado, I present to you my professional goals (i.e. things I want to do over the course of my adult life to fulfill my dreams and make some dead presidents) in no particular order: Self publish a novel for sale. This one shouldn’t be too tough,…

Go on Vacation!

In my experience, which amounts to nearly 40 years on this planet, I’ve noticed that we spend a lot of time living the every day life and not near enough time doing something special for ourselves and our family. Certainly we try to pepper our lives with special moments, we bar-be-que on the patio, take the kids to the pool, go for a trip to the zoo, family movie/game night, etc., but those are clearly the exception, not the norm. Most of our days are mired in repetition and tedium.…

The Plan

So far I have given you 8 lovely photos of my wild “fresh-from-waking-up” bed head. Whereas that is lovely, and perhaps there are already a million blogs dedicated to bed head pics, I want to assure you that I have grander designs in mind. Ultimately, I’m working on having a theme Monday thru Friday. The preliminary outline looks like this: Monday Musings – a springboard for me to talk about anything, be it news, entertainment, social commentary, etc. The goal is to share my thoughts on a variety of ideas,…