Head of the Family: The Official Nerfed Llamas Review – Infidelity, Mutants, and Otis… OH MY! Today I’ll be reviewing a Full Moon features flick requested by a reader: Head of the Family. I was aware of this film back in the 90s, but I never got around to watching it. Most readers 25 and under will likely never know how difficult it was to see obscure movies during the heyday of the VHS rental era. In many ways, the viewer was shackled to the limitations of the video rental…
Tag: nerfedllamas
The Dead Want Women: The Official Nerfed Llamas Review @fullmoonhorror
The Dead Want Women: The Official Nerfed Llamas Review – What In The World Did I Just Watch? Full Disclosure: I haven’t watched many of the modern Full Moon Feature films. They dropped off my radar around 2002 when Trancers 6 was released. My understanding is during that time they were going through a rather large transition. The old VHS/DVD rental model was slowly dying out and in a bid to keep up with the changes in how movies were viewed, Full Moon Features went through some re-branding and other necessary…
Trancers – City Of Lost Angels: The Official Nerfed Llamas Review @fullmoonhorror @RealCharlesBand
Trancers – City Of Lost Angels: The Official Nerfed Llamas Review Hot on the heels of my review of Trancers II yesterday, and then the late night additional review of Captain America: Civil War, I thought I’d do myself a favor and take it easy today. I didn’t want to skip the day entirely, but I wanted to take on a smaller challenge as it were. I am nearing the halfway point of my month long celebration of the storied independent low budget film studio Full Moon Features, and I…
Captain America: Civil War: The Official Nerfed Llamas Review @Marvel #TeamCap
Captain America: Civil War: The Official Nerfed Llamas Review – The Bromance Awakens Much like my review for Batman V Superman, at first I wasn’t going to write it, and then I was, but then I wasn’t again, and now here we are and I’ve already gone ahead and written the datgumm thing. If you are a regular to this blog, then you know that I’m doing a month long tribute to Full Moon Features. As such, I didn’t want this review to take away from my dedication to that…
Trancers II: The Official Nerfed Llamas Review @fullmoonhorror @RealCharlesBand
Trancers II: The Official Nerfed Llamas Review – More Deth is Always a Very Good Thing If you have been with this blog since the very beginning well over a year ago, then you likely already know that the first film review I ever did was for the movies Trancers, which you can read here. I love the Trancers series, in a huge way. I owned them on VHS, then on DVD, and also as they come out on Blu-Ray (currently only the first three are available to date in…
Demonic Toys: The Official Nerfed Llamas Review @fullmoonhorror @RealCharlesBand
Demonic Toys: The Official Nerfed Llamas Review – a Pregnant Woman Should Be More Careful! The month of May, better known as Full Moon Features month here at Nerfed Llamas keeps on bringing you new reviews for your favorite b-movie studio. After my last review slipped into the semi-erotic, now I feel it’s time to slide on into the full blown-psychotic! In previous reviews for Bad Channels and Dollman, I had mentioned that they all happened within a shared movie universe with one more flick: Demonic Toys! As I work…
Meridian: The Official Nerfed Llamas Review @fullmoonhorror @RealCharlesBand @sherilynfenn1
Meridian: The Official Nerfed Llamas Review of Beauty and the Beast meets Sixth Sense meets Harlequin Novel minus Fabio on the cover With one week already in the bag for the month of May, the official Full Moon Features tribute on Nerfed Llamas is already in full swing. I have already laid out an excellent outline for the month, as well as a multitude of reasons why you should check out the various films from Full Moon, both from the classic and new catalog. There are now reviews for the…
Unlucky Charms: The Official Nerfed Llamas Review @fullmoonhorror @RealCharlesBand
Unlucky Charms: The Official Nerfed Llamas Review, and ladies stay away from the Cyclops… he has “issues” So far I have reviewed 3 classic Full Moon Features: Trancers, Arcade, and Bad Channels in my hunt to celebrate the famed b-movie studio for the entire month of May. Whereas I love the classics from the VHS rental era, I also want to shine a light on the newer films being made for the digital revolution. If you haven’t kept up with Full Moon Features, then you may not be aware that they…
Arcade: the Official Nerfed Llamas Review @fullmoonhorror @RealCharlesBand @TheMeganWard @SethGreen @OfficialPeterB
Arcade: the Official Nerfed Llamas Review – the VR revolution has finally arrived… in 1993! It was difficult finding a starting place for the kick off of my self proclaimed Full Moon Features month. There are so many titles to select from, in so many different genres. Ultimately, I just started flipping through the Full Moon catalog and decided I would aim for a Sci-Fi flick to start with and landed on the 1993 film Arcade. Part of the fun of reviewing all of these films, especially the films from the 80s…
Best Movies You’ve Never Heard Of: Clean Slate #amnesia @danacarvey
Clean Slate – the Official Nerfed Llamas Review Full Disclosure: I love Dana Carvey! Sincerely, I believe with all my heart that he was the single best talent that ever came from Saturday Night Live, with Bill Murray a very close second. He won an Emmy for his work at SNL performing and creating such amazing characters like the Church Lady, Hans, Garth, George Bush, and the Grumpy Old Man, to name a few. So nobody was more thrilled than myself, when Mr. Carvey started headlining films in the early 90’s. Opportunity…