If You Only Watch One Video Today… #MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain

Super Tuesday is tomorrow. A time in which a hefty chunk of the states in the USA will vote for their favorite Republican or Democrat candidate for president in state level primary elections. This is likely the end of the road for most of the candidates involved, and will offer a clear path to being the nominee for the most winning Republican and Democrat candidate. This is our last opportunity to draw a line in the sand and stop somebody who is undeserving and/or not qualified to hold the highest…

Coming Soon: Marco Headroom! @marcorubio #25SecondSpeech #Rubio

The election cycle during Presidential election years can be particularly grueling in the United States of ‘Merica. You often get to see the best and the worst of each candidate in mostly equal measure. On rare occasion you get to see a candidate lose his shit like a shit collector with amnesia. That rare Pokemon occurred last Saturday when Republican hopeful Marco Rubio short circuited on the stage and repeatedly spouted off the same sentence over and over again parroting his memorized 25 second speech. Just take a gander at…

Sticky Notes 12 – #Bernillary

Hillary Clinton is in ten different shades of trouble what with how this whole email kerfluffle is spiraling out of control. Bernie Sanders is gaining ground on Mrs. Clinton, but does anybody really want the man of perpetual bed head (his one true superpower) to become our next President? (The answer is no, in case you got stuck there) The gang at Sticky Notes have a solution to both of their problems, or maybe they’ve just concocted even more problems for these wacky Democrats. Either way, you’ll never be able…

Sticky Notes 1 – Vodka & Politics

Here it is, better late than never, my first web comic. As an office rat for the better part of the last 8 years, I use a lot of Post-It Notes, also known as sticky notes. So it made sense that I would attempt an office comedy. But how to make it fun and unique? Make all the panels with real sticky notes with pen drawn characters. No computer enhancing or professional production value, just pure office ingenuity. Genius! At least I hope so. Without further ado, I present to…