Project Lucidity – Chapter 1: King of Pain

Hi there! I’ve been working on polishing a draft of Project Lucidity, which is the codename for a novel I wrote during NaNoWriMo last year. I say codename because I’m not sure that I am fully sold on that being the title. Regardless, it’s what I’m calling it right now. This particular story is set in the modern day but has a sci-fi/fantasy feel to many aspects of it. Bottom line: It’s Inception meets The Magicians with a touch of Lawnmower Man in a tale about a group of college students…

Inspirations & Dreams

We all have dreams, hopes and desires. Some of us even have the resolve and the sheer force of will to make them happen singlehandedly. Others utilize keen communication skills and networking to build an alliance of confidants and business partners to get us where we need to go. Some of us are late bloomers, having far too many dreams to chase down and absolutely no feasible plan to accomplish any of them, until BOOM, a plan arrives and magically all of the goals get prioritized and attainable. An unfortunate…