Bob Returns a Video Tape to Blockbuster – Original Fiction

Bob Returns a Video Tape to Blockbuster – Original Fiction “It was as humid as hell,” Bob thought gently to himself as he lay horizontally in his recliner, bathed in only his own sweat. The ceiling fan was rocking from side to side in a violent rhythm that made it seem as if it had just snorted a line of coke (not the delicious beverage), but the cool wind generated by these gyrations weren’t enough. Not only was it hot, but the air was filled with the outstanding aroma of…

The Unrefined: A Fodo Finish – Original Fiction

Head count: 8 people in the convenience store. 3 teenage male Caucasians by the soft drink fountain, 2 Latina twenty-somethings at the counter getting ready to buy cigarettes, an older Asian male browsing the snack options, an Arab male assigned to cash register duty, and 1 adult white male by the ice machine. The man guarding the ice box surveys the store one last time, just to be sure before he starts. The Latinas are giggling and making fun of the convenience store clerk in Spanish, believing that he cannot…

Road to Nerfed Llamas 2 – the Biwwie Goat #nerfedllamas

Way back in the ancient era known as 2012, I began work on revamping an idea I had for a web comic. Putting pencil to paper, I created the foundation for what would ultimately become the identity of my website as well as a darn good reason to activate my creative side for the first time in a good long while. Nerfed Llamas, the web comic, at it’s core was designed to exemplify the best and worst of nerd culture. Every comic strip needs a concept, and above and beyond…

Site Redesign – 05/14/2015

Hey gang, I played with the design of my initial site (which admittedly sucked) a whole lot, and have landed on a new layout. Hopefully this one is more appealing to the eye, makes all the articles pop better, and has some menu and widget upgrades. I’m still working on the mobile version, so bear with me. What do you think, better? Worse? Give me some feedback.

Adventures in Staffing: a Day at the Office – Memoirs

Adventures in Staffing: a Day at the Office – Memoirs Woke up at 6:10 AM. Correction, hit snooze at 6:10 AM, and proceeded to snooze until 6:36 AM. Reluctantly, I slithered out of my bed, away from the covers and the loving wife that I could still be comfortably spooning. I slapped my hand against the switch panel on the wall in the bathroom, accidentally turning the exhaust on instead of the light, then nearly crapped my boxer shorts because it sounded like a 747 taking off just above me.…

Professional Goals

On top of attempting this whole “blog” thing, I do have goals and aspirations that transcend the confines of a dot com website. Some of these are pipe dreams, some of these are attainable enough with the proper planning, motivation and luck. Without further ado, I present to you my professional goals (i.e. things I want to do over the course of my adult life to fulfill my dreams and make some dead presidents) in no particular order: Self publish a novel for sale. This one shouldn’t be too tough,…

Sticky Notes 3 – #dylanforspiderman

Welp, I tried to get this one out before midnight, but failed miserably. Better late than never!  My friends, we find ourselves at a very exciting time, of course I’m talking about the casting of the new Spider-Man. There’s a lot of names being thrown out there as potential Peter Parkers, and frankly… most of them suck. One name rises above the rest: Dylan O’Brien, the main actor from the Maze Runner. He’s fun, charming, nerdy, and seems to be able to act. Even better still, he looks like Peter.…