Putting My Nose Back to the Ol’ Newish Grindstone…

After a week of fun and sun and sea and family, it’s time to get back to work. Now that I’m fully rested and creatively rejuvenated, I have a fairly large week planned, with an interwebz ton of content coming over the next few days. Here’s a brief preview of what is coming: A review of the Avengers – Age of Ultron. A review of Hot Tub Time Machine 2 – Unrated. A new original fiction short story. An original song lyrics – note, every time you sing it you…

One Whole Week

I know, I have been posting pictures of my goofy breakfast melon for just over 2 weeks, but today marks the end of the first whole week of posting new content according to the plan. It’s been a very productive week. Here’s a few milestones: I finally put a description of myself, and what I’d like to accomplish I posted my first ever entertainment review for the new TV series on Netflix: Daredevil. After nearly a 20 year hiatus, I revived an ancient character that I created in my teenage…