Road to Nerfed Llamas 1 concept art #nerfedllamas

As I try to get back in the swing of drawing regularly, I have been taking a walk down memory lane, and in doing so I have come across a few pieces of concept art from my first attempt to get Nerfed Llamas off the ground. Here is the first piece that I would like to share with. It is a classic from 2012, featuring renditions of the main cast. You have the Biwwie Goat, a subtle yet bombastic little scamp. Rodger Dodger, gamer cat extraordinaire. And Dr. Love Groove, a funky vampire with a penchance for cosplay and all things Japanese. Not bad for a first draft. As I look at this earlier concepts, I’ve kept the parts that work and have tried to improve stuff that I wasn’t happy with. The Dr. has taken a fairly large design change in more recent attempts. All in all this is the first complete page I drew of the gang, and I wanted to share it with all of you. Enjoy! 


I’ll post more sketches and concept art as I work towards presenting my first inked and professionally lettered web comic to the world in a few weeks. Oh, and don’t worry, the Sticky Notes gang aren’t going anywhere – they have plenty more adventures ahead of them this year.

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