I’m Done Saying “I’m Back”… But I’m Totally Back #ImBack

ImBackSo, NaNoWriMo took it out of me, big time! It is one hell of a commitment both of time and energy to create 50,000 words typed in one month for an original novel. It is a tough task, especially when you are responsible for a family and hold down a very demanding full time job. On top of that, Joel Hodgson had dropped a massive bombshell on me and started a bid to resurrect one of my top 5 trapped on desert island of all time TV shows, Mystery Science Theater 3000, and I spent a ton of time tweeting, re-tweeting, Facebook-ing and getting the word out about his Kickstarter campaign (which incidentally just recently became the single most well crowdfunded TV/film project in history). I loved participating in NaNoWriMo and the MST3K revival, but it caused a constant struggle for my time. In the end, my poor blog was the only true casualty of this struggle, but no more, or so I say… yet again.

Life has a way of throwing us curve-balls at the most inopportune times, and as such I’ve decided to stop saying that I’m back (even though I’m totally back), because in the end this is my blog and I’ll post whenever I can. So, I’m not back, because I never really left, I just took a bit of a break because I needed some time to devote to other projects/priorities (even though I’m totally back). So don’t look forward to any new content, because I’m not making any guarantees because I’m not back (even though I’m totally back). I will, however; try to be more active on the blog and do my best to keep the fun stuff coming.

So at the very least it may be safe to be cautiously optimistic about what comes next because I’m not back (even though I’m totally back).

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