Coming Soon: Clockwork Cosby! @BillCosby #PuddingPops #Cosby

In light of recent news that indicates that Bill Cosby will likely have his day in court to answer to the serious allegations of sexual assault that have been levied against him, I thought today would be a fantastic day to unveil my next faux cinematic masterpiece: Clockwork Cosby! A depraved and raw look into the psyche of a man who has quite possibly sexually assaulted over 50 women. It has all of the bartending tips that a sad sack lech might need to trap his prey, as well as…

The Birth of Diabetic Dracula #AmWriting #DiabeticDracula

Think of today’s original fiction piece as a tacky movie pitch for Adam Sandler’s next direct to Netflix movie or perhaps even TV series. It’s absurdly silly, it requires an extreme amount of linguistic overacting, and it’s a straight up comedy – all perfect for Sandler. Also, it would be a hard “R” rated horror-comedy, which would diversify his movie portfolio nicely. So if you are reading this, Mr. Sandler (or anybody else with wads of disposable funds that you would like to throw at me), and you like it:…

Best Movies You’ve Never Heard Of: Logan’s Run #RunRunner

LOGAN’S RUN Hailed as the “first motion picture of the 23rd century”, Logan’s Run was a wild and burgeoning sci-fi tumbleweed of an ambitious film. You dare to doubt me on this? Watch the original 3 minute long trailer here and bask in the hyper stylized world that is Logan’s Run. There is visually striking architecture everywhere, post apocalyptic overtones, Cirque du Soleil acrobatics, poofs of ecstasy like hedonistic smoke thrown into the air, sexy sexiness at every turn, all manner of futuristic technology and laser beams as far as the eye can see.…

You Love Me, You Really Love Me #Stats #ThankYou

As a fun little sociological experiment, I decided to look at my web host’s statistics page for my website. Point of information: I check my WordPress stats a couple times per week to get a snapshot of how this blog is doing. I thought it was doing moderately OK, not gangbusters mind you, but definitely there was steady viewership. What I didn’t know, was that the Wordpress stats page didn’t paint the whole picture as it did not capture views from subscriptions, RSS feeds, and a variety of other distribution methods not…